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Postcards and pedagogy

The hardest thing about starting a blog is thinking what to call it! Many, many, many attempts later I came to decide upon 'postcards and pedagogy' and it is important to share why.  Postcards Postcards and pedagogy sum up this adventure year away. This blog in many ways will act like a postcard. Don't worry, I will be sending paper postcards too; nothing beats the excitement of the mail! But, by posting online, I can share more, and with photographs about the places I have been. Sometimes, I might only write a little and sometimes a lot.  Pedagogy The Oxford dictionary describes pedagogy as, "the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept." As teachers we are constantly searching for the best ways to teach and the best methods by which to convey knowledge and stimulate creativity. This year, I am excited to meet practitioners from other countries, who may have other ways of doing things and to talk to them about what works and why for their children.  

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